Various giving methods are available for individuals, businesses and foundations interested
in making philanthropic gifts to the University of Central Missouri.
- To make a gift now by debit/ credit card click here.
- To make a gift via check, mail to UCM Alumni Foundation, PO Box 800, Smiser Alumni
Center, Warrensburg, MO 64093. Checks should be made payable to the UCM Alumni Foundation
with the gift designation noted in the memo.
- Make a planned gift such as life insurance or charitable annuity or through your estate or will. If you
have already made these estate gift provisions, please tell us about them by emailing
- Noncash gifts often include stocks, bonds, personal property, real estate or gifts-in-kind.
- Now accepting gifts of cryptocurrency through The Giving Block!
- Becoming increasingly popular are donor-advised funds.
- To establish an endowed fund or make a multiple-year pledge commitment, connect with
the Directors of Development that serves in your interest area.

Providing a charitable contribution that truly makes a difference is a process that
can adapt with your changing needs and wishes. Some gift options, such as establising
an endowed fund, allow you up to five years to complete the investment. Other gift
options, like a charitable gift annuity, allow you to support what you care about
while receiving fixed payments for the rest of your life. A member of our team will
gladly meet with you one-on-one to discuss your philanthropic goals and the options
available through the UCM Alumni Foundation. To connect with us, simply call 660-543-8000
or email